Tag Archives: Eloise Coopersmith

#FringeFemmes 2024: A Chat With Bonnie He

By Eloise Coopersmith

Bonnie He is an Asian American actor, improviser,  writer, award-winning physical comedian and clown and Hello Kitty super fan.  At #HHF24 she added producer to that list [co-producing “Recolonizers” – LAFPI nods to the show’s femme writers Megan Sass & Keisha Zollar]. I caught up with her before she headed out in her European tour for her solo show, “A Terrible Show for Terrible People.” 

Bonnie He – photo by Nicol Biesek

Eloise: When did you first start performing and what have been a few of your favorite fringe stops/experiences?

Bonnie: My very first Fringe experience was at Hollywood Fringe in 2022 with my clown show, “A Terrible Show for Terrible People.” I originally debuted it back in 2018, and I began studying clowning in 2014, so it took me 8 years to begin my Fringe journey. Hollywood Fringe holds a special place in my heart; I received the Diversity Scholarship, won Best Comedy, and met lifelong friends which has made HFF incredibly memorable. Another cherished experience was at Orlando Fringe Winter-Mini Fest, which was exceptionally welcoming and well-organized. Say what you will about Florida, but Orlando is truly magic.

Eloise: You have been very successful at the Fringe with audiences and awards. What does success mean to you?  Is it a packed house, income, creative satisfaction…?

Bonnie: Not gonna lie, for me a successful show has to start with a packed audience. That’s the risk of doing an interactive clown show – you don’t have a show if you don’t have an audience. At one of my first festivals, before I understood how to market my show, I had like only 2 people in the audience and I had no choice but to use them both twice. It was not really a pleasant experience for everyone involved haha. When the audience is full, there’s a synergy that just sparks, and I love feeling the joy of the audience – a lot of them discovering clowning for the first time.

Eloise: You have served as Fringe mentor and producer – what drew you to be more than “just a performer?”

Bonnie: At the Fringe, you wear many hats – you’re not just a performer but also a producer. I believe in being a self-starter; if you don’t produce your own work, who will? I really enjoyed producing my own show and felt that I could help other people get their show on their feet. There’s a joy in helping bring something to life. I feel very grateful I was asked to produce “Recolonizers” for the Hollywood Fringe this year, to help them bring their exciting ideas to life.

Eloise: What makes the Fringe experience different for you?

Bonnie: The Fringe experience is uniquely inspiring. It’s a gathering of dreamers and creators, all striving to realize their artistic visions. The energy and excitement are palpable, making it a truly special environment to be in.

Eloise: Last, one world of advice for Fringers and/or for those out there thinking of coming to see shows? 

Bonnie: For Fringers and those attending shows alike, my advice is simple: immerse yourself in the diverse offerings the Fringe has to offer. Take chances on new and unconventional performances—you never know what hidden gem you might discover. And of course, don’t miss “Recolonizers,” a wild ride of a show that promises to entertain and provoke thought. Catch us on Thursday, 6/27 at 8pm and Saturday, 6/29 at 2:30pm.

For info and tickets visit https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10841

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: A Bella Incarceration

by Eloise Coopersmith

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO:  Ann Noble

WHAT: A Bella Incarceration

WHERE: The Broadwater Studio,  1078 Lillian Way

WHY: Anne Noble is clearly a master at her craft. Her solo performance immerses us in a torrent of language about incarceration, drawing from historic writers. Her character’s initial portrayal is articulate, intelligent and delivered with rapid-fire precision, skimming the surface of her character’s inner life. As the narrative unfolds, Anne’s character receives the keys to freedom, elevating her soul beyond the confines of prison bars to reveal deep emotional scars. It’s a deeply evocative and expressive journey.

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10534

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: Shakespeare in Vegas

by Eloise Coopersmith

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO:  Suzanne Bradbeer

WHAT: Shakespeare in Vegas produced by Noholand Productions

WHERE: Castex Daylight Loft, 6442 Santa Monica Bl Suite 203

WHY: A farcical romp/adventure, with all the elements of a Shakespearean play and the glitz of Vegas (baby).  Playwright Suzanne Bradbeer crafts an evening of laughter and surprises, merging Shakespearean themes with Vegas extravagance for an unusual theater experience.

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/6826

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: The Fat Girl’s Guide to Life, Sex, and Everything in Between

by Eloise Coopersmith

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO:  Ariella Salinas Fiore

WHAT: The Fat Girl’s Guide to Life, Sex, and Everything in Between

WHERE: The Hobgoblin Playhouse, 6440 Santa Monica Bl

WHY: Ariella Salinas Fiore shines in her show with a mix of fun, frisky, and fabulous energy. Her storytelling is incredibly sincere and real, drawing audiences in to care deeply about both her and the topics she discusses. She unabashedly tackles personal challenges – particularly society’s judgments on physical appearance – offering not just entertainment but also a poignant educational experience. Her narrative sheds light on the universal struggle to stay authentic in a world that often dictates how one should be rather than accepting individuals as they are.

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10927

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: My Mother Doesn’t Know I’m Kinky

by Eloise Coopersmith

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO:  Jean Franzblau

WHAT: My Mother Doesn’t Know I’m Kinky

WHERE: The Broadwater Second Stage,  6320 Santa Monica Bl

WHY: Well-structured storytelling with a powerful narrative exploring what some might consider a taboo topic. Educational and deeply personal, Franzblau takes her audience on her journey of self-discovery into her authentic sexual identity. Despite ratings and descriptors suggesting an adult audience, the storytelling remains respectful and accessible to all. Those attending with a sense of wonder rather than judgment will certainly enjoy this work.

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10366

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: Intrusive Thoughts

by Samantha Shada

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO:  Brenda “BK” Wong

WHAT: Intrusive Thoughts

WHERE:  Asylum @ Stephanie Fuery Studio Theatre (Mainstage), 5636 Melrose Av

WHY: Brenda “BK” Wong shares personal experience with intrusive and destructive thinking, leading the audience to realize that those thoughts just aren’t helpful! Through her story, BK leaves us with a choice: give in to the intrusive thoughts or choose positivity. I can’t wait to see this new writer develop a team of support. Yes, one day, she may have more actors and more set pieces, though they don’t need to look any better or be any better than what is at heart a raw and personal portrayal. BK’s debut as the unlikely hero of her own story resonates with personal vulnerability, humor and a whole lot of positivity. Honored to see this first performance from a writer who I look forward to seeing back at fringe again soon. Keep writing BK, your stories matter!

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10884

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: B+ MOM

by Eloise Coopersmith

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO:  Melissa Greenspan

WHAT: B+ Mom: An Enthusiastic Guide to Imperfect Parenting

WHERE: The Broadwater Studio, 1078 Lillian Way

WHY: Being a parent is not for sissies.

Lots of love for sure, but there’s also the madness that comes with parenting. Melissa Greenspan’s show captures it all: highs, lows, pivots, love, tenderness, anxiety, perfect plans in an imperfect world. Her engaging and candid look at motherhood made me go home and text my daughter. This is the perfect show for anyone who has a mom, is a mom, or is considering having children. Rich with paradigm-shifting moments and laughter, it’s a must-see. Take your mom—she’ll love it!

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10379

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: The Funny Thing About Men!

by Eloise Coopersmith

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO:  Mandy Williams

WHAT: The Funny Thing About Men

WHERE:  Asylum @ Stephanie Fuery Studio Theatre (Mainstage), 5636 Melrose Av

WHY: Mandy Williams, a multi talented Brit transplant, has crafted and performs a highly entertaining evening of charming and original tunes. Whether it’s her British roots or her subtle humor, her songs—with a wink and a nod—evoke a modern “variety theatre,” blending comedy, music and dance, reminiscent of the vaudeville houses of the past. She woos the listener, taking us on an enjoyable ride through the very human foibles of male/female relationships. Clever, witty and unexpected, her mellifluous voice enchants the audience as she lovingly examines men, women, their idiosyncrasies and their relationships.

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10376

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: SAM!

by Eloise Coopersmith

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO:  Samantha Labrecque

WHAT: SAM: An Existential Comedy Solo Show

WHERE: The Broadwater Studio, 1078 Lillian Way

WHY: Spunky, sassy, and sincere, Sam opens our hearts to the adventures of an aspiring actress in Hollywood, striving to find her artistic purpose. Labrecque embodies the quintessential fringe artist—bold, innovative, and deeply passionate. With meta musical numbers, composed/keys by the multi-talented Edith Mudge, captivating dance moves, humor, and a heartfelt narrative, she paved the way for a meaningful realization for both herself and her audience.

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10296

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: Getting There!

by Eloise Coopersmith

Quick peeks at #HFF23’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO: Rebecca O’Brien

WHAT: Getting There!

WHERE: Hudson Theatres (Hudson Guild), 6539 Santa Monica Boulevard

WHY: Do not miss the opportunity to witness Rebecca O’Brien’s incredible performance in “Getting There.” Her show has received such acclaim that it has been extended, giving you the fortunate opportunity to see it for yourself. Don’t miss this chance to be reminded of the incredible strength and resilience of the human spirit, and the profound impact that empathy and understanding can have on our lives.

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/7059

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”