#FringeFemmes 2024: Meet Valerie Lacy

By Constance Strickland

June is here and “Women on the Fringe” are again onstage!

There is nothing quite like the buzz that’s created during the Hollywood Fringe. It is a time filled with risk-taking, courage, hope and independent artists creating new work by any means necessary. Each year, I ask women writers a new series of questions influenced by the Proust Questionnaire and Bernard Pivot’s French series, “Bouillon de Culture.” The goal is to understand the artist’s work and their full nature while allowing them a space to reveal their authentic self. It is a great gift and a true honor to introduce women who will be presenting work in myriad genres, exploring a wide range of topics that allow us to examine who we are as individuals and as a society.

Introducing Valerie Lacy and her show, “Who In The World Is Valerie Lacy?

Valerie Lacy

Constance: What do you hope audience members take away after experiencing your show?

Valerie: I would like for them to take away that your past does not define you. It’s merely a compass to guide you into the knowledge of who you are.

Constance: What’s been your biggest challenge in terms of your development/creation process?

Valerie: The biggest challenge was facing the parts of myself I had disassociated with.

Constance: What are you enjoying most as you create your show?

Valerie: I am enjoying the opportunity to create and share my story with others.

Constance: What has been the most surprising discovery?

Valerie: That I can actually do what I started.

Constance: The work will be given away soon – How does that feel?

Valerie: I feel good and ready to give it all I have. It feels so right!

Constance: How long have you been sitting with this work?

Valerie: All my life.

Constance: Why Fringe? Why this year?

Valerie: I wanted to give Fringe a try and see what happens. Why not this year I am not getting any younger.

Constance: Anything else that must be said?

Valerie: I am all in to entertain and tell my story!

For info and tickets visit https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10707 | “Who In The World Is Valerie Lacy?” plays Fridays & Saturdays at 8:30pm June 14th – June 22nd

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