Stories from Anywhere…

by Robin Byrd

Listening for “First Words” – took me to a poem I started 10/26/12:


he got the tattoo

–so they would leave him alone

across his face

the skin once

smooth and beautiful

now marked

as he was marked

–for things no one should ever have to see


Today, 3/29/16, I continued:


he got the tattoo

across his face

–so they left him alone

the skin elsewhere


not marked

–by things seen in places no one should ever have to go


he got the tattoo

–in a place no one should have to go

marring the skin

once smooth and beautiful

across his face

it, the self-marking of himself

–with words that say leave me alone…


he got the tattoo

–for things no one should have to see and places no one should have go


across his face, across the smooth beautiful skin

in loud display

–leave me alone, it said, i will not take lightly to any more disruption


I title it “On the Occasion of Going to Jail…” and I wonder if there is a story trying to get out…


“First Words” :  Being a Playwright…being female…Voice…; On the Matter of Subject…


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