june, 2024

09junallday27ne-Fairy-ousSusan Sassi


Show Info

This is a multimedia, musical, and solo show about a changeling named Mage Lynn. Mage Lynn the Changeling. She was an imaginative child with an extraordinary imagination. After being abused and outcast, she is left alone with no friends, no talents, and no control over her emotions (or bodily secretions). Desperate to find joy and acceptance, Mage Lynn embarks on an absurd quest through movie musicals, game shows, and even cartoons to find her happily ever after.

Though the play begins as a fairy tale, it soon becomes clear that we are actually in the imagination of a little girl, who is actively using fantasy to survive the harsh realities of the world and deal with her real-life trauma


june 9 (Sunday) - 27 (Thursday)


The Hobgoblin at Arena Stage 

1625 N Las Palmas. Ave.

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