#FringeFemmes Check-Ins: Astrologically Screwed

by Azo Safo

Quick peeks at #HFF24’s “Women on the Fringe” by Fringe Femmes who are behind the scenes this year. Click Here for all Check-Ins

Fringe Femmes

WHO: Pam Levin

WHAT: Astrologically Screwed

WHERE: Hudson Theatres (Hudson Backstage), 6539 Santa Monica Bl

WHY: Pam meets a world renowned astrologer who predicts several pivotal moments in her life, one of which is a negative event that will take place when she turns forty.  The negative event remains a mystery until her life falls apart on the same day as her fortieth birthday. The build-up to that moment includes several astrological predictions coming true – including in love and career. Pam is ultimately guided by the universe and her guardian angels to triumph.  There is a vividly heartbreaking scene involving a teddy bear. The show explores topics of faith and spirituality, love of family, guardian angels and the power of intuition in steering us toward the answers we seek.  Pam’s spirited and energetic performance is filled with hope and humor. Be sure to bring Kleenex! 

HOW: https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/10974

Click Here to Find More “Women on the Fringe!”

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