I am at a loss. Still. I want to write and I do. I write something everyday. Now I just need to pull it together for a cohesive piece, but then I find another reference, or another article that I add fuel to my writing and I can’t put it out there.
I am searching for the secret, so if you know, please share it will me? How do you give zero f*cks? I can say all day long that I don’t care what people think and that I am writing my truth, but something hides in the shadows just waiting for me I know. Someone there to have the conversations I am dying to have but…procrastination. My house is so clean because of this. If only I could channel it.
“You know you are getting old when it takes too much effort to procrastinate.” — Source unknown

I have started once again doing writing prompts. Which at the time when I choose the prompt I don’t think it will be helpful but as soon as I start the timer my mind is drawn into my play and I am filled with some sense of accomplishment.
Taking a 5-10 minutes clearing my head is hard. Sitting still. Needing to do something, anything else than sit here. What’s better for me, to get my writing done is to lead the meditation. That way I’m always thinking of what I’m going to say next, which I know is not what I supposed to do, but I’m trying. The random prompt then leads to dialogue. The time limit making me choose my words quickly and not overthinking it. Just write. Get something on the page. Don’t go back and edit. Just write the next sentence. What makes it worst, I have a book with 400 writing prompts, yet I insist on searching online everytime I need to find a prompt.
What else is productive for me is to take a class. During this time there have been so many opportunities to take classes from all around the country. I’ve written 2 short plays already. Way more than I think I’ve done before. EVER. I mean in a week’s time. But now I am procrasting on deadlines to submit a full length play and I’ve turned to reading a book about playwrighting. You know, just so I can get it right. I think I’m getting good at this procrastination.
I hope you are writing. I’m trying. Keep at it.
Oh yes. I’m there and then some… Sigh. And now back to what I’m calling work…
I loved reading this , it absolutely speaks to the voice in my head. (Voices in my head?) I wish I could say that I do something productive or apparent when I can’t write – but that’s not true. Thank you for sharing this…