I can’t believe I’ve been in Omaha for the Great Plains Theatre Conference for 8 WHOLE days.
I can’t believe I’ve ONLY been in Omaha for the Great Plains Theatre Conference for 8 whole days.
I can’t believe how much awesome new work I got to witness and how many amazing playwrights I had the good fortune to meet.

I can’t believe how delicious the food was.
I can’t believe how much socializing my introverted little playwright self managed while I was here, and how thoroughly I enjoyed all of the discussions, laughs, and thoughtfulness.
I can’t believe how comfy the hotel where my introverted self got to reteat to, was.
I can’t believe it’s over.
I had the pleasure of speaking with one of the conference’s FANTASTIC donors this week, and they looked surprised when I told them how wonderful it was to be treated so well. That the hotel and food and attention to every little detail made me feel so honored, because playwrights aren’t usually treated to this kind of focus and care.
She looked surprised and so I thanked her again.
I am overflowing with gratitude.
Tonight, after jam-packed days of play readings and workshops and performances, we ended things with a superbly delicious dinner, live music, and artisan s’mores. I mean, YUMM.

We also experienced the magic of Kia Corthron’s monumentally beautiful acceptance speech as she was honored this evening. It was so poignant and honest that the whole room sat enraptured.
I’m so thankful I was there to hear her words, and I’m so grateful that those were the words she elected to share with us tonight.
So tomorrow I will fly back to my everyday life and I will revel in reuniting with my fella and my furballs, and things will go back to…
Bills will go back to…
Life will go back to…
But I will also bring this week back with me.
This week of inspiration and of creativity.
Of beautiful new connections and of palate-cleansing laughter.
I will return home with the wild little play that got invited here and get to re-tinkering with it.
I will sit down at my desk and re-engage the new play I’ve been growling at.
I will think of Kia’s words on poverty of pocket and I will compare them to her words on the richness of heart, and then I will reflect on the richness of my heart, and I will write, and write, and write.
Because writing is kind of, always, sexily, the thing I need to do. And after spending a week with others who feel the same way, I can’t wait to get to get back to it.
I also can’t wait to work on my “Something for next year.”
This is just lovely. So full of joy and gratitude. I’m reading this at the end of the day and am glad I did.
Thank you, Diane 🙂
Thank you Tiffany! Your words… you got it.
Wonderful articles, Tiffany. Please do share more of Kia Corthron’s words.
Hi Robin – I couldn’t even begin to regurgitate her amazing prose. I’m hoping they’ll post her speech somewhere. It was truly, truly moving.
Thanks for sharing your trip w/ us — it was like going on the fun adventures with you!