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Your Donations to LAFPI are Tax-Deductible!
Help us get the work of femme-identifying playwrights and women artists out there…

Donate Now

up to $50 – Instigator

$50 or more –  Investigator

$100 or more – FPI Profiler

$250 or more – Special Agent

$500 or more – Task Force Commander

Or mail checks made out to “Fractured Atlas” to:
1977 Escarpa Drive Los Angeles, CA 90041-3014

Los Angeles Female Playwrights Initiative is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of LAFPI must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Here are 10 ways we plan to use your tax-deductible donation to move LAFPI forward.

  1. Connecting with more arts and women’s organizations to expand our awareness campaign
  2. Organizing theater-going groups to see plays by women
  3. Expanding our online resources to become the go-to place to connect women artists, and for theaters to find plays by women and hire female-identifying theater artists
  4. Partnering with artists and existing organizations to produce festivals of works by female-identifying playwrights
  5. Conducting workshops for women playwrights and theater artists
  6. Working with local critics’ organizations to encourage the involvement of more female critics, and to create an annual Women’s Playwriting Award in Los Angeles
  7. Creating a targeted outreach campaign which encourages the use of the FPI Badge Logo as “must-have” validation for theaters, productions and arts organizations
  8. Strengthening our relationships with LA-area theaters in order to keep a close eye on gender parity numbers in Los Angeles
  9. Hosting speakers, roundtables and conferences dealing with gender parity issues, and actively participating in national conversations in order to devise and put into action practical solutions
  10. Conducting a follow-up LA FPI Study to measure the results of our efforts in Los Angeles, and coordinate with other organizations that are doing the same in other areas or on a national scale


Donate Now

to take positive action!

Questions? Contact Us.

Then share your ideas and let us know how you can help make them happen!

Thanks to LAFPI’s donors

Juliet Annerino, Paula Cizmar, Alexandria Dilks Pandola, Megan Dolan, Heather Dowling, Marian Evans, Diane Grant, Janis Butler Holm, Elizabeth Liang, Lisa A. Mammel, Morna Murphy Martell, Elena Campbell-Martínez, Rahab Mitchell, Laura Nargi, Mary Sampson, Laura Shamas, Ann Starbuck, Stephanie Solomon, Joy Bingham Strimple & Anonymous

Hats Off to early supporters whose kind donations and assistance helped give the movement a kick start, including Nancy Beverly, Debbie Bolsky, Jami Brandli, Robin Byrd, Karen Dee Carpenter, Susan Cartsonis, Mary F. Casey, Cynthia Ferrell, Paula Cizmar, Ellen Geer, Diane Grant, Larry Dean Harris, Velina Hasu Houston, Katherine James, Jon Klein, Amy Kramer, EM Lewis, Valerie Manahan, Ella Martin, John Park, Analyn Revilla, Vasanti Saxena, Tami Tirgrath, Laurel Wetzork, The Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project, The Dramatists Guild, The Victory Theatre Center and Rogue Machine Theatre.

Web Hosting sponsored by Act of Communication.