Maps of the Mind

by Cynthia Wands

There is a wonderful interview with Janelle Jansted, in the current publication of The Shakespeare Standard, By Jeffrey Kahan.

The interview with Janelle Jenstad

It’s a bit of a read, but by god, what a fascinating woman.  She’s very clear about her first disinterested forays into the cult of Shakespeare, but her life story of academia, and travel, and discovery is really inspiring.

I also love that her discovery of maps, street maps, ancient maps, have appeared in her life.  A recent story that I’m writing has changed (a lot) because I decided to draw a map where the characters lived and migrated to.

At any rate, it was a nice read about a woman I really admire.  And that was a nice find this week.


Artwork by Michael Coomes
Artwork by Michael Coomes








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